Chapter 9. Arrival


As I rode through French wine country with Sean, I couldn’t help thinking that my life was starting to read like a movie—a very exciting movie.  I was in a fast black car with a mysterious and gorgeous man in France, and we were going to investigate an art theft.  I could practically hear a James Bond soundtrack.


Our plane landed in Paris late afternoon, and we picked up our rental car at the airport.  Sean had tracked Monique Chabon to a small village about an hour’s drive outside of Paris—I couldn’t even pronounce it, much less spell it.  We were on our way to a vacation home in that village that happened to be owned by one of Thornton Wolff’s colleagues.


And that was the part that was making me nervous.  I would be staying in the French countryside in a vacation home with Sean.  Alone.





“So….which role will have to do the most of whatever I’m probably bad at?” I asked.  We still hadn’t figured out who would be the assistant and who would be the rich art connoisseur.  Lucky for me, the roles were practically interchangeable, wardrobe-wise.


Sean’s laugh reverberated loudly in the small car, before he asked, “Well, what are you bad at?”


“Pretty much everything, right now.” I muttered.


“Stop it.   You’re observant, and you’re good at piecing things together, and…..” he paused for a  moment, then said “…you won’t leave someone in a bad situation.  Even when you should.”


“Uh…thanks.” I said awkwardly.  “So….personal assistant, or rich art collector?” I asked.





“Well…what can you fake better—giving orders or taking them?” he asked.


The idea of giving Sean orders was….delicious.


“I really don’t know.” I admitted, trying to scoop my thoughts out of the gutter.


“Then….let’s make you the art collector—anytime someone asks you a question you can’t answer, you can just act imperious and summon your assistant to handle it.”  Sean reasoned.





“Fine.  What next?” I asked.


“Tomorrow we’ll go into the shops in the village and throw your name around, make it clear that you are in the market for artwork and relics.  We should come up with fake names.”  Sean mused.

“And what about Monique Chabon?  Do we have a way to track her exact position?”  I asked.


“She’ll find us—don’t you worry.  But keep in mind that our objective isn’t to find her—it’s to find the vase.”  Sean said.





I pulled some surveillance photos of her from the file Sean had pressed into my hands on the plane.


“She’s a knockout.” I mumbled.  Though the photo I was holding didn’t show it, I knew from other information in her file that she was a redhead.


“Not particularly.” Sean said with a frown.


“Oh come on.” I said with irritation.


“She’s a magic trick.  All smoke and mirrors and deception.  Nothing of substance.” Sean said.





“But fascinating to watch.” I pointed out.


“Not for long.” he replied stubbornly.


“Whatever.” I said, exasperated.





“Look at that.  We’re here.” Sean said cheerfully as we drew near the vacation home. I threw open the car door and hopped out as soon as we’d pulled to a stop.


“This is not real.” I said, staring out over the view from the courtyard that framed the front of the home.


“Come inside and pick out your bedroom so we can have a nap before going to dinner.” Sean urged.





The inside of the home was just as impressive as the outside.


“Wolff has some ridiculously wealthy friends.” I said in a loud voice, because Sean had already gone upstairs with our bags.


“Let’s hope he points some in the direction of Rocca Investigations.” Sean called down from the stairs he’d ascended.  A few moments later, his voice floated down the stairs again.  “I think I’ve found your bedroom.”


I walked upstairs and through the open door only to stop short and gape at the bedroom.





“This is my room?” I said softly.


“Yes—it’s beautiful, isn’t it?  The other room is quite nice as well, but this one is bigger.  We each have our own bathroom.  I’m going to my room to take a nap—how about we get up at 5:00?” Sean asked.


I agreed, and he left the room.


After a nice nap, we had a bit of coffee to perk up, and Sean suggested that we get ready for dinner.  We drove around for a bit until we reached the center of the village, and we found a little place called the Catania Café.  Once we were settled at our table, enjoying our authentic French food, I felt a little more talkative.





“How does one track international thieves?” I asked, curious.  I kept my voice low because our server stood near the door, ready to jump the moment we beckoned.


“One has contacts.  I know some people who work for Interpol, as well as some of the more…criminal elements in France—though mostly in Paris.” Sean explained.


“Interpol?  And criminals?” I asked, obviously stunned.





“From my job prior to working for Nick.” Sean smiled.


“What did you do?” I asked.


“I worked for a company that specialized in high-end security systems.  Occasionally, I would consult on jobs for insurance companies as well—I still do that, every now and then.”  Sean said in an offhand tone.

“How did you get into that?” I asked.


He hesitated before answering, and I became even more intrigued.  Of course.





“I was…a bad kid.” he said, as if it explained everything.  I must have looked confused, because he continued.  “I was great at getting into places I didn’t belong and swiping things, but not so great at getting away.  I wound up in a juvenile detention center.”


I didn’t know what to say, so I just kept silent.


“Nick’s father kept trying to scare me straight.  He was a cop.  But what really worked was the guilt.  He told me that I was an embarrassment to my mother, and that my father would have been ashamed of me.”  Sean said, and his voice was slightly hoarse.  The fact that he’d said ‘would have been’ wasn’t lost on me.  Sean’s father had died before or during his tumultuous teen years.





“I….I’m sure that’s not true.” I mumbled, and looked down at my food.


“Oh I’m sure it was.  But it’s not all bad—see, my gift for criminal mischief was put to good use.  I was visited in juvie by some representatives from a security company who’d heard about my exploits, and they wanted to send me to college, then hire me.  So I let them.”  he said as if it was something that happened every day—a verbal shrug of sorts.


“Wow.”  I breathed.  “I thought with the fighting skills and stuff…maybe ex-military or ex-cop.” I admitted.


“Nah—the security company branched into personal security, and I took the opportunity to train as a bodyguard.  Nick’s the ex-cop in the family.” Sean said, watching me closely.





“But now you work for Nick…” I said, neatly stepping over the info he’d just dropped about Nick’s former career.


“Well, he called when he started up Rocca Investigations, and I wanted to help out.  He was…..going through some stuff.”  he said.  Suddenly, his expression lightened, and I knew that he wasn’t going to talk about serious matters anymore.





“How do you feel about splitting a dessert?” he asked.


“Depends on which dessert you pick.” I said, smiling. I allowed him to change the subject without a fight.  He’d revealed so much already that I had plenty to ponder.




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33 thoughts on “Chapter 9. Arrival

  1. Pingback: Chapter 8. Trip Preparations « Rachel's Sims Stories

  2. They are TOO cute.

    :-O Did you get one of them all the way up to Visa 3 so they could have a vacation house? You must be so dedicated.

    • Amelia: They are pretty cute. 🙂

      I actually got Monique Chabon up to a level 3 Visa (after moving her into the household). That’s why I was so worried when I started having computer troubles–even though I’d backed up most of my game, I hadn’t backed up the trips I made with her to get the level 3 Visa. Lucky for me it wasn’t an issue!

  3. Fantastic as always and worth the wait. The guy in the background in the last shot looks so out of place lol. It was great to learn ome of Seans backstory. He also seems to be warming up to Ed more in this story since he used to be like a closed book. Eagerly awaiting the next installment.

    • FullCircle: Thank you very much! I’m happy to be able to post again….I was really worried the story would stall.

      The guy does look out of place…I should have moved him or something, but I didn’t think of it at the time. That’s the danger of using community lots, lol.

      I figured that Ed would want to know how Rocca Investigations was able to track down Monique, and it didn’t make sense to just say “Oh you know…databases and stuff”. So, there had to be contacts, and I saw it as a way to explain how Sean became the extremely talented guy with the slightly shady skills. 🙂

      • I think it looks better with the guy in the background. It looks more realistic that way. It would be unsettling if the streets of France were empty.

      • Marrow: That’s a great point….I didn’t even think about that. I just thought it would be weird if they were out in public talking about such sensitive subjects with ears close by. This village can certainly be characterized as “sleepy”, but it shouldn’t be empty! 🙂

      • Also he kind of looks suspiscious as if he’s a wingman of sorts whose there to “fix” any problems that might arise if Ed and Sean get out of hand.

      • Marrow: He does kinda look like a sort of bouncer, doesn’t he? I think it’s the leather jacket, lol.

  4. Luscious photos!

    Love the revealing chat… how is our Ed going to resist a reformed bad boy who still keeps a few secrets?! I guess she’ll just keep a tight grip on her inferiority complex… hopefully this time in France acting the part of a wealthy, art-savvy collector will infuse her with some confidence.

    Great chapter! Congrats on getting your computer back and rolling on!

    • DB: Thank you! I have to keep reminding myself that the photos need to be more focused on the subjects at hand, rather than the lovely scenery! I finished my play session and couldn’t believe the number of shots that weren’t of Ed or Sean’s face, but rather, the rolling hills and picturesque houses.

      It would be really difficult to resist a man such as Sean, I think–especially if he started to pursue you in earnest! Ed will definitely need to rein in that inferiority complex, especially if she’s going to play her role well. I think it will be an interesting time for all involved. 🙂

  5. First off– wow you got some gorgeous landscaping shots. Really wonderful way to open the chapter and draw us in.

    This whole chapter was so enthralling. I loved hearing more about Sean and his background. It only makes him all the more cuter.

    And I love that Ed’s going to be the Art Collector. Even with her inferiority complex, somewhere deep down she has to know she’s good enough to pull this off.

    • LunarFox: Thank you! The other countries are so scenic that the landscaping shots are easy to get. I actually had to cut one or two pictures because there were just too many, and each time I thought, “but it just looks so pretty….surely I can fit it in somewhere!”

      I’m relieved that you liked hearing about Sean’s past. I keep worrying that it’s an info dump, but….it seemed like the right time. We still don’t know everything about him–he’ll still be a little mysterious. I just couldn’t think of a reason why he wouldn’t answer most of Ed’s questions….and also why she wouldn’t have questions. She’s interested in knowing how they do what they do, because it may help her find her brother.

      I think it will be fun to see how they pull off the role-playing portion of this assignment, and the kinds of situations it will put them in. Sean’s confidence in Ed’s abilities should help her along, but it might be a bit rocky at first. 🙂

  6. im glad you were able to fix your pc issues i love this story. i like that ed gets to be the rich collector i like that she’s going to get to boss sean around. also france is already romantic so im looking forward to see how they deal with there denial of attraction between them in a place thats bound to strengthen it.

    • Rachel R: Thank you so much for saying that! I think we’ll get to learn more about Ed’s personality (and Sean’s too) with this arrangement–Ed doesn’t usually come across as bossy (I hope) so it should be fun to see how she manages to act bossy. I think they’ll both be struggling against the romantic climate of France, and their struggles will be interesting to document. 🙂

  7. I love that Ed is going to be the collector and Sean her assistant! I was hoping that was the way you’d go with it – I think it will be very amusing indeed!

    I’m glad to read a little about Sean and his background. He’s been a bit mysterious so far and I can see why now. Not the sort of thing you’d tell everybody you meet. It just makes me like him more though!

    • Carla: I should be able to get quite a few amusing bits out of that arrangement. 🙂

      I thought this trip provided the right opportunity for us to learn more about Sean, since Ed will be alone with him so much. I’m glad that he hasn’t lost his attraction since we know more about his past.

  8. Reading this gave me that exciting ‘I’m on vacation’ feeling. The pics are really gorgeous and… Sean is being really sweet. He tells her what she’s good at, lets her be the art-collector, gives her the nicest bedroom… and opens up a great deal about himself. Even his remark about Monique having no substance is like an underhanded compliment to Ed! Very, very interesting! 😉

    • Moondaisy: I am so happy that the setting is inspiring those vacation vibes, because it might help you feel a bit more like you’re in Ed’s shoes and understand her perspective all the more. She has that same feeling, mixed with excitement over her mission.

      Ed is getting a look at Sean in his element. His best work is done in the field, and before this time she has mostly only heard of what he’s been able to accomplish. But this sort of thing is his specialty, even more so than interviewing or interrogation of clients or background searches, etc.. He knows that she is completely out of her element at this point in her training, and he wants to reassure her that she can handle the pressure of the mission at hand. It may sound strange, but he also wants her to have a good time since it is her first time in France–hence the nicest bedroom, and going out to dinner. Ever since Ed started working at Rocca Investigations, Sean feels that she is trustworthy–her motives and personality are fairly transparent to him at this point, and in his line of work that is probably something so….well, novel, really. He wants her to trust him–so he tries to answer her questions.

      Sean is definitely making a contrast between Ed and Monique with that comment–he is trying to tell her what he values and finds attractive, but she isn’t ready to listen or believe him at this point.

  9. Love it! The flirting is great, it is indeed very cute, I can’t wait to see the collector/assistant role play and I’m desperate to know more about Monique. Good work.

    • Rad: Thank you! I’m glad that you are enjoying the flirting. I’m looking forward to writing out the first scene of the role playing myself, and we should learn a bit more about Monique before too long. 🙂

  10. Aw, it’s so nice to hear more about Sean and his past. I love Sean and Ed together. They’re so great. Of course, he also managed to make me even more curious. Can’t wait to read more!

    • Amelia: I’m happy that so many readers are responding well to what has been revealed about Sean. As far as making you more curious–well, I’m glad I achieved my goal. 😉

    • Amyjobee: Aww, thank you! Like I said before, I was worried it was a bit of an information dump, but I’m hoping that the revelations seemed timely and appropriate. I’m glad your reaction to it was positive. 🙂

  11. Pingback: Chapter 10. Alexis’s Relics « Rachel's Sims Stories

  12. Playing catch up so be prepared for comment spam.

    I love that intro shot of Paris, it really sets the scene and the house is stunning.

    I wonder about Sean’s past. He did seem like he’s one of those street smart sort of guys.

    • Carnaxa: It’s so nice to hear from you again! Thank you so much for commenting. 🙂

      I had to show the Eiffel Tower–though it is even more stunning at night. I’ll have to work in another shot… 🙂

      I’m glad some of Sean’s past has been revealed–I think it will provide a good context for some of his abilities and actions.

  13. “The idea of giving Sean orders was… delicious.” LOL! The first picture of France was really pretty. Sean’s past is rather interesting, great job.

    • 4boots: Ed routinely engages in naughty thoughts with Sean as the subject. 🙂

      I wanted there to be an explanation for why Sean was such a bad-ass, but not for it to be “oh he was a secret agent” or “oh he was ex-military” because that’s the way a lot of thrillers tend to go. And if you can pull it off, it’s fine–but nothing else about Sean makes you think secret agent or ex military, so it didn’t ring true…

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