Chapter 15. A Deceptive Dress


Though I had fully expected to feel awkward around Sean after the conversation we’d had during our training session, we were actually so busy that I didn’t have a chance.  We’d gone into Paris to shop for evening wear and come straight back to the vacation home to do research.  Sean was pulling up any information about the castle and its owner online.  The owner’s deed was in the name of Rémy Gravois, and it had been purchased approximately six years before.





While Sean searched the internet for clues, I called Nick to get status updates on anything they could find on their end.  Sean had decided that this village was a bit too small to go around asking a lot of questions, so we would have to settle for whatever could be found through background searches and accessible records.  Nick and Belinda sent through a lot of society-page type articles mentioning Gravois, but there was nothing that mentioned any criminal records.  On paper, Gravois was a rich playboy who dabbled in art collecting and dealing.





On the morning of the auction, Sean and I were going to visit the grounds of the castle disguised as electricians.  If we were detected, we were going to say that someone in the area had reported a power outage, and we were checking the lines.  Sean didn’t want us to be recognized if we saw anyone, so he’d stopped shaving so that he’d have a little stubble to mask his face.  I thought he wore it pretty well.





His stubble was even darker on the morning we donned our disguises.  I’d pulled my hair into a cap yet again—I was beginning to think that I’d spend most of my time in the field wearing a cap to hide my hair.


“Overalls and toolbelt in the morning, and an evening gown and heels tonight.  What a strange life I’m leading these days!” I joked as he joined me in the foyer.


“Well, I’m betting you’ll look better in the evening gown—though you are pretty cute in a toolbelt.” Sean said, winking at me.





“I told you there would be a moat.” I said.


We’d parked nearby and hiked up the hill to get to the castle, trying to look purposeful.  Sean peered into the water.

“But no dragons or sea monsters—luck is with us.” he joked.  We walked along the half-wall toward the side of the castle that faced the rest of the village.





“I can’t believe how big this place is.” I said, craning my neck to see it before turning to look over the village.


“It probably takes an army of servants to keep it maintained.” Sean murmured.  “That’s something we’ll have to look out for when we are here tonight.  If the vase is here, we might have to come back to…retrieve it.”





“I knew we wouldn’t be able to call in the local police to get it.” I said ruefully as I let my eyes roam over the gorgeous landscape.  Our client wanted to keep the theft of the vase from his wife, and that meant keeping law enforcement out of the matter altogether.  If the vase was here, Sean would very likely have to steal it back.


“Hey, don’t worry—I’m really good at this.” Sean said with a hint of amusement in his voice.





“I know.  But we don’t know enough about Gravois.” I said.


“We’ve both studied the blueprints.  We have a good idea of where the exits are, and you’ll be my back-up if something goes wrong.  Besides, we don’t know that we’ll even have to go that route.” Sean said.


We looked around for about twenty minutes more, surreptitiously confirming the placement of the exits and balconies before leaving to go back to the vacation home.  When we got back, we reviewed the blueprints and our plans for that night.  One or both of us would find a way to search for the vase in the castle if it wasn’t up for auction, and we reviewed techniques for getting away and Sean made me recite a list of excuses for being found in various rooms.  Finally, we each took a nap so that we’d be well-rested and completely alert.





It was almost time to leave for the auction when Sean came out of his bedroom.  I was waiting for him, trying to keep my gloved hands from trembling.  In my anxiousness over the coming task, I’d dressed quickly.


Sean looked at me with a small smile.


“You look perfect—very elegant.” he said.  He meant that I looked perfect for my role.


“Thank you—you look very nice.” I said.  It was an understatement.  He had the strange ability to look both at home and really good in anything he wore.  It wasn’t fair.


“Ready to go?” he asked.


“Just a minute—I’m going to check to make sure nothing is smudged.” I said, standing up and turning to the mirror.





I had the satisfaction of seeing his mouth drop open in stunned surprise in the reflection of the mirror.  When he realized I could see him even though my back was turned, he quickly shut his mouth and moved to stand behind me.





“Your dress….” Sean trailed off.


“Is there something on the back of it?” I asked, suddenly worried.


“No…there’s hardly anything to the back of it.” Sean said hoarsely.


“Oh.  Well, it is a backless dress.” I said in a matter-of-fact way.


“It’s a very deceptive dress.  Fairly proper from the front, but so much exposed skin in the back.” Sean said softly, moving even closer.


“Is that a problem?” I asked.





“Definitely.” he said, moving to my other side and staring at the aforementioned bare skin.


“What?” I asked.


“It invites the touch.  The urge is…irresistible.” he murmured, lightly grazing one of my shoulderblades with the tips of his fingers.


I shivered involuntarily, then took a deep breath before speaking.


“Sean…” I began, rolling my eyes before continuing, “I’ve never had a problem with men being unable to keep their hands off me.” I said, and to my credit, my voice was dripping with skepticism.


“You might tonight.” Sean replied, then shoved his own hands into his pockets.  “Let’s go.”




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Next chapter –>

45 thoughts on “Chapter 15. A Deceptive Dress

  1. Pingback: Chapter 14. Sparring « Rachel's Sims Stories


    I can’t wait a week for the next episode. My stomach is in my ankles in anticipation! The plot thickens, as does…THIS!

    • Amelia: lol! Yeah…it’s going to get pretty tense, between the Sean and Ed attraction thing and worrying about how they’ll get to the vase, etc..

      I’m flattered that you don’t think you can wait a week for the next installment–it will take a fair amount of work because I’ll need to throw a party, and create at least two (possibly three) new Sims. I’m really excited about it, though, so I’m really glad to see you are right there with me. 🙂

      • I’m sure I can contain myself until the next installment. Now that I’ve been planning my story I realize how fun it is to create sets and sims and costumes and staging things up. A party? You’re gonna have fun!

      • Amelia: Well that is good–it is a lot of fun to design the sets, etc.. I spend a lot of time thinking about their clothing, especially since it is a nice way to show the passage of time in the story. The party should be fun, but I am worried about using that number of NPCs…

  3. I can’t wait to see what happens at the party! This promises to be very exciting. Wonderful build up.

    And I’m trying to hold back but those last couple of shots… *snicker* I can’t really help a little squee there. Love that she caught him so off guard. Did she plan that a little? Because it seems like she did. He’s been throwing her a little with his flirting, so it’s only fair she strike back now.

    • LunarFox: Yay! I can almost always count on you to have read my story by the morning after I’ve posted, too. 🙂

      Thank you so much! I’m interested to see how the party will turn out, given that they will actually have to throw a party in order to get enough people….NPCs are notoriously difficult to use in staged things like this…I’ll have to see how it goes.

      Oh, Ed definitely planned that. Even though on some level, she doesn’t want to encourage him, on another level she is just discovering that she has a particular power that she can wield or not. As far as she knows, she’s never had that sort of power before. She’s certainly never had that confidence before. But she ultimately paid a little for her own revenge because she can’t help her own reaction to Sean.

    • Amyjobee: Thought you might like that. 😉

      I’m really excited about the party, but still trying to work out any kinks I can think of before I actually try it out. Here’s keeping my fingers crossed that it will work well. 🙂

  4. I agree with Amelia: I don’t know if I can wait another week! 🙂 I love how things are progressing between Sean and Ed! I especially love his reaction to the dress. 🙂

    • Jules: You are too kind, and absolutely wonderful for my confidence! I’m glad you are excited about the way the story is going, and that Sean’s reaction to the dress didn’t fail to deliver, lol. 🙂

  5. *does victory dance, complete with the occasional “YES!”* 😀 Backless dress is AWESOMELY FANTASTICALLY BRILLIANT!!!! LOVE IT! NEED MOAR CHAPTERS!!!!! 😀 NEED! 😀

  6. Oooh ooooh oooh! Electric!!

    And I love their many disguises, too. It feels like you’re having a lot of fun with story 2 and it’s infectious.

    • Rad: Yay! I’m glad some of the electricity is coming through. I do like playing around with their disguises–it will be even more fun when the next EP comes out and we get more career tracks!

  7. Hmm, I had been expecting a deliciously flirtatious trip to shop for formal wear, with Ed coming out in some Bjorkesque swan outfit (with suitable ugly duckling inner dialogue) to crack Sean up, then having him drop his jaw when she came out in her real evening gown, but this was better! Very crafty, Ed!

    (What interaction was Sean doing to get that open-mouthed pose?)

    I love the transition from overalls to evening wear, and there were some lovely shots of the countryside. LOL @ “I told you there would be a moat!”

    • DB: Ooh….your idea would have been a lot of fun to write! 🙂 Maybe you should try your hand at a story on top of your lovely legacy?

      He was actually just standing there–every now and then, if you let them stand there without doing anything they will do this “rubbing back of neck looking somewhat stressed or bored” thing, and I caught him on the tail end of that! It’s very useful. 🙂

      Thank you so much for your comments! They always brighten my day.

  8. I just love these. Every time I get to the end I am “what happens next?!” lol
    I totally appreciate how much time must go into these, you are amazing!

    • Crystal: Thank you so much for saying that! It is such an amazing boost to my confidence to hear such comments, and it certainly adds to my joy in writing and taking pictures. 🙂

  9. I’m really looking forward to the party – it’ll be a lot of fun to see what they get up to…

    I loved Ed’s dress – very deceptive indeed. It’s good to see her fight back after all the teasing Sean’s done. The disguises were very good – Sean looks good with stubble, and the electrician outfits were a nice touch too.

    I wonder how Sean is going to steal the vase if he finds it there??? The suspense is killing me!

    Like everyone else, I can’t wait for the next update!… Well I can but I don’t want to.

    • Echo: I am really looking forward to it as well. I need to dress the set and do a lot of staging, making sure everything is in place and that I can get the pictures I want, etc.. It will be challenging, to say the least. Plus, I need to create two or three characters….

      We’ll see if Sean will need to steal the vase….how he does it might be a bit surprising. 🙂

      Thank you, as always, for reading and commenting.

  10. Found you over at “In the Valley of the Sun,” and thought I’d check out your story. I’m finally all caught up with all of the chapters, and I just have to say I love, love, love this-especially the playful banter between Ed and Sean. I think they’d be so adorable together. Can’t wait for more!

    • Ambree: Thank you so much for trying out my story and commenting! I love hearing from readers, and I’m delighted that you like my story. I hope that it continues to be entertaining and that you like what is to come!

  11. “Sean didn’t want us to be recognized if we saw anyone, so he’d stopped shaving so that he’d have a little stubble to mask his face. I thought he wore it pretty well.”

    Um…yes. Sean is such a good looking Sim!

    Sean’s face when Ed turned around was priceless!

    I was thinking along the same lines as Lunar…I thought that might have been planned too. It’s like “Oh, what, is my dress completely backless? I hadn’t noticed! You like?” It’s like Ed is finding her stride amongst all this flirtation and tension with Sean. I love it.

    • Carla: I don’t know why, but I don’t make Sims with facial hair all that often….so I like to play around with it when I do remember it is an option. 🙂

      I was just playing around and letting him stand there when suddenly he pulled that face. I figured that instead of “bored and tired” it could stand in for completely shocked. I’m so glad it worked!

      Ed definitely planned for him to be surprised by the dress–she knew he wouldn’t expect her to show that much skin. You are correct in your perception that she is starting to find her stride in their flirtation–she’s starting to gain some confidence and realize that she has some power of her own. I’m so glad it is going over well…

  12. Eee, I finally got caught up. I found myself trying to click the “Next Chapter” link a bajillion times before I discovered that this was the most recent one.

    All I can say is “EEEEEEEEEEEEE!”. All of the unresolved sexual tension between Ed and Sean is making me squeal like a little girl. I nearly forgot about the rest of the plot at hand (LOL).

    But yes, the plot. Ahem, it’s really picking up. I can’t even begin to attempt to guess what happens next. Your expertise at writing a thrilling plot full of excitement and romance never ceases to amaze me.

    • Lhasa: If I weren’t so lazy, I’d leave off the next chapter links until there actually was a next chapter…..but it saves a little work later…

      I’m glad that the tension between Sean and Ed is exciting…though I did have the worry that it would completely overshadow the plot. Through the next few chapters, there should be more of a focus on the mystery at hand. Thank you so much for the kind words! 🙂

    • Natasha: You say you want her to give in…but much like Ed, I’m too scared to let it happen just yet. 🙂

  13. Pingback: Chapter 16. The Auction « Rachel's Sims Stories

  14. I loved this update Rachel.
    The castle looks really impressive. Did you build it yourself?
    Sean looks gorgeous with a stubble. What a nice detail.
    Oh… and the episode with the dress was just simply hilarious. I loved the expression on his face and imitated it a second later when I scrolled down!
    Great, she is ‘experimenting’ with him! 🙂

    • Moondaisy: Thank you! I did not build that castle–it was prepackaged with the French village.

      I thought Sean would look nice with stubble… 🙂

      The dress episode was fun to write. I’d had it in my head for a week or two and finally seeing it executed was nice….Ed is starting to get a little more confidence in her appeal. 🙂

  15. I loved Sean’s reaction to the dress – Ed sure does scrub up nice! Even if he wasn’t already taken with her, he would have had to be encased in ice not to have some form of response.

    • Illandrya: I thought Ed looked quite enchanting, and it was nice for her to make him gape for once. 🙂

  16. Oh my!!! (I’ve just about been saying that in my head, or out loud, for each of the last few chapters, lol!)

    Wow, that is quite the dress. I had just about the same reaction he did!… Well, maybe not *exactly* the same, lol!

    Oh, I LOVED that touch at the end! *swoon!* He’s definitely staking a claim here. 🙂

    • Laura: lol! It was certainly not the type of dress Ed would normally wear, but her snotty rich lady would definitely wear something like that, and she wanted to make Sean’s eyes roll a bit.

      That’s the thing with Sean–no matter how much Ed surprises him, he manages to get in the last word or dig, and fluster her even more. 🙂

  17. Ooolala. Steamy dress, Ed. This is getting good. It’s almost like she’s purposely teasing him a little. I have a feeling the investigation is going to start picking up too. The party should be good.

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