Chapter 3. The Superintendent





“Thank you both for meeting me here at my home.  Enough people in the community know me to make meeting at your offices or in public too risky.”

“No problem, Mr. Young.  We understand the need for discretion.” Sean said.

“I hate these situations.  Absolutely hate them.  Three years ago we had something like this, except it was a male coach and a female student.  Horrible.  The fall-out was horrible and I just want to know if it’s coming.” Mr. Young paused and turned to face me, adding, “I’m not trying to sweep anything under the rug, not at all.  I would never turn a blind eye to something like this, but I don’t want to get the school board and the PTA in a frothing frenzy over nothing.”

“It should be handled delicately.” I nodded.  I thought of how my parents would have reacted had either of us been involved in a similar situation when we were in school.

“The rumors about it are already starting.  That’s how it came to my ears.  One of my daughters overheard something from a friend–an insinuation that there was something going on.  I brushed it off because kids in high school are always looking for some sort of scandal.  But when a teacher came to me with some observations of the same teacher and student, I put in the call to your boss.”

“Let’s start with what your daughter heard.”

“One of her friends said that a student, Elliott Foster, is always staying after class to talk with Claudia Abbott.  Miss Abbott teaches history for the tenth and eleventh grades.  She then implied that something illicit must be going on.”

“Did the boy brag about er…having relations with his teacher?”

“That isn’t what she heard.  By all accounts, the boy has very few friends and he keeps to himself.”

“And the teacher  who came to you?”

“Mrs. Gibson.  She said that she came in to ask Miss Abbott a question one morning before school started and she found Elliott with her, and they had jumped apart just as she walked in, as if they’d been hugging or something.”

“Tell us about Miss Abbott.  What is her age, and how long has she been teaching?”

“She’s twenty-six, very young-looking.  In fact…” he broke off, rising.  “I’ll be right back–I should be able to show you pictures of them.”  He walked out of the room, and moments later returned with a yearbook.  Sean stood behind me to look at it over my shoulder, and I could feel his breath stirring my hair.

“She’s been teaching for three or four years.  She came to us with glowing recommendations from Riverview’s school district. She’s well-liked by most of the students, though she can come across as a bit stand-offish to the faculty.  She is very outspoken in faculty meetings.”

“Would anyone have anything to gain from trashing her reputation?” I asked without looking up from the yearbook.

Mr. Young considered this for several beats.  “Nothing comes to mind, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something to that thought.  As superintendent, I’m a level or two removed from the teachers.  If there are any personal quarrels going on amongst the teachers or if a student has an axe to grind, I don’t know about it until it’s already a problem.  I do know that nothing else about Miss Abbott has ever come up before.”

“What grade is Elliott Foster in?” Sean asked.

“He’s in tenth this year, so in that yearbook, he would have been in the ninth.”

Sean flipped to the picture and we studied the face peering out amongst the other young kids.

“I just want to confirm–can we interview Mrs. Gibson and your daughter?”

“Yes, but my daughter is away for a cheerleading competition.  She won’t be back until Thursday night.”

“Then can you arrange for us to speak to her on Friday, sometime after five?”


We spent a little more time talking with Mr. Young, discussing some of the strategies we planned to use in the course of the investigation, and promising updates as soon as we knew more.

“I really hope this isn’t what it sounds like, but there’s no denying that Miss Abbott is attractive, and young.  I don’t know whether she has a boyfriend or if she’s dating.”

“We’ll be looking into that.” Sean said.  We took our leave and reported back to Rocca Investigations before taking a pizza back to Sean’s place.  We devoured it and relaxed on the couch with full bellies.

“So…About Erica running for mayor.  Is this a good or bad thing?” I asked.  We didn’t have much of a chance to talk about it the night before.

“I have a hard time seeing it as anything but bad for us.” Sean admitted.  “I mean, if she wins then it could be good.  Maybe.  But until then it’s just going to be a problem.”

“How so?”

“Well, she’s pretty busy–enough that it isn’t always easy to get her full attention dedicated to the work she hands us.  I can’t see that getting any better as she’s actually running an election campaign.  What little use she is to us is probably going to dwindle to nothing as soon as the campaign is in full swing.”

“Nick seems to think it will provide an opportunity to look into Donald Price’s affairs without him guessing our true motive.”

“Nick is being optimistic, but he has to know that Erica is going to be too distracted to be much help.  Besides, like you pointed out–Donald Price is going to be especially careful to keep anything hidden that he doesn’t want found out right now.  Nothing about Erica running is going to change that.”  He hesitated before adding, “And in fact, I’m a little afraid that it’s going to make it worse.  More dangerous for you.”

“Hey, I have you and Nick looking out for me–what can happen?” I smiled.

“Plenty, baby.  Plenty can happen.”  His face had tensed with worry–tight jaw, furrowed brow.

“Look, instead of worrying over something that might happen, I think you should prepare for something that will definitely happen.” I said in a teasing tone.

“Oh? What’s going to happen?” The planes of his face relaxed a little.  He was letting me distract him and I was glad for it.

“I’m about to start kissing you, and it’s gonna be hot.”

“Do you think I’ll be able to handle it?” His voice had gone low and soft.

“Only one way to find out.”




Authorial interjection: The cover was SO much fun to shoot, simply because it was a lot of fun to make them dance.  I haven’t had much chance to actually play the game, so some of the Late Night stuff is still new to me.   🙂

27 thoughts on “Chapter 3. The Superintendent

    • Tipix: Thank you! I think this case is pretty interesting, and I’m excited that it will be unfolding while other events are as well. 🙂 Thank you for reading and commenting!

  1. I have to admit, reading this series has made me break down and install TS3-my graphics are no where as good as yours, and everytime I think about putting Edith’s hairstyle on a sim I can’t…it’s officially Edith’s hair.

    • Starrsim: lol! I love TS3. I loved TS2 as well, but I never used it for stories, so mine wasn’t hacked beyond recognition (my TS3 isn’t as hacked as some, but it’s getting there…mods are always soooo tempting).

      I know what you mean about Ed’s hair! I have a hard time putting it on another Sim, too. 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  2. I loved the cover! It absolutely made me laugh out loud. I had to show Jay, lol! They look like they should be on roller skates.

    As for the rest, oh I love the faces of the two new characters. The teacher looks like one of those really idealistic and hopeful young teachers. And he looks so innocent and wide eyed but almost like there’s something more. Something a little bit sad, but perhaps I’m injecting that because of the whole keeping to himself thing.

    What kind of attention is Sean worried about Erica’s election drawing towards Ed? Though Sean’s worry about something happening to Ed is sweet and kind of sexy. Ah those two.

    • LunarFox: LOL! I was thinking at the time, “Man, I wish they had roller skates!” I’m really glad it evokes that 70s roller-rink feeling. 🙂

      Yay! I played around with the faces of the new characters forever. It probably took the most time of the entire update process. I’d say that the impressions you got from their faces are interesting, and I can’t say anything more without possibly giving too much away. 🙂

      Sean is worried that because they’ll be investigating the incumbent mayor during an election year that if they actually find anything incriminating, it will be even more dangerous for Ed because there will be an added reason to keep things under wraps–the fact that it is an election year and any bad press could cost him the election. If they weren’t investigating during an election year, then even if there were something incriminating, as long as it wasn’t really serious the mayor’s office would have time to spin it so that it wouldn’t influence election results. From Sean’s perspective, this just adds yet another reason for the mayor to take some serious and possibly desperate action to keepany incriminating information under wraps (if there’s any to discover). Since they still don’t know exactly how or even if the mayor or someone in his office is involved in Scott’s disappearance, Sean is worried that if it comes out that Rocca Investigations (and specifically, Ed) is investigating the mayor that it could place her in more immediate danger than if they’d done this in a non-election year, when the mayor’s office might not have been as concerned about investigations.

      I think Ed sees Sean’s worrying the same way you do, LOL. 😉

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  3. Cover was epic/hysterical. I can practically see the invention of cars happening…

    Getting intrigued here! I like that slow building tension that you have mastered. So is there really an illicit teacher-child romance happening or is somebody out to shame Miss.A?

    What has Erica’s election got to do with Ed anyways? Mystifying. But you know, Sean’s worried face is like a breath of fresh air…

    Can’t wait to find out ALL of course!

    • SugarCookie: I’m glad you got a kick out of the cover. 🙂

      The nature of the teacher-student relationship in this case will have to be unraveled little by little, and we’ll know the answer to that question soon.

      You aren’t the first to wonder why Erica’s election would make Sean worry more about Ed–maybe see my reply to thelunarfox. It seems that I should have explained it a bit more (sometimes you forget that the readers can’t read your mind).

      Thank you very much for reading and commenting!

  4. Yay! New chapter!
    I LOVED the cover shot. Ed looks so pretty, but then again, she always does.
    Can’t wait to see where this investigation leads.

    • Sarien: Thank you for stopping by to read and comment! I’m glad you liked the cover–I thought she rocked that hairstyle. 🙂

  5. Lol at the cover! *flash back to the 70s*
    This case is very cringe worthy, I hate it when the student/teacher stories come about.
    But delicious to read, absolutely fascinating. I love your characters, very, very realistic. Sean just hit the over load on cuteness, gawd!
    They are such a natural couple, I know they are still in the can’t-get-hands-off-each-other stage, so you really can’t see where they will end up, but so far, they are cute to watch, cute to read, cute to think about. And I really can’t get better adjectives, can I? *sarcasm*
    I love this story so much I could hug it!

    • GongaGonga: I wanted a Saturday Night Fever vibe, LOL. I was especially happy with the text effects. 🙂

      I’ve always been amazed by the student/teacher cases, and one of those (involving an older student, but still) happened at my own school. It was such a huge scandal. When I was trying to think of a new case, I thought this one would be an interesting type, and I even did a little research to see if schools use the services of private investigators. It turns out that they do, but not necessarily for these sorts of cases.

      Ha! I’m glad they are a cute couple, and that it’s still fun to read their interactions even though things are going well for them. I worry about that, so I never get tired of hearing that readers still like them together! Thank you so much! 🙂

  6. Man, I love that cover! I actually thought they were on rollerskates at first. I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie Dick but there’s a roller disco scene at the end and the picture reminded me of that. Though Nick looks like he might be having a little trouble there already, so maybe we should let him stay on his own two feet instead!

    So these are your three new Sims! I was wondering about that. Elliott looks very sweet and innocent but I wonder if he really is. I’m looking forward to see how this all unfolds in this story. There was a student-teacher scandal at my school as well and it was pretty much the creepiest thing ever. It’s a really interesting phenomenon to explore though, I must admit.

    Who would ever get tired of hearing about Ed and Sean? LOL, not me, anyway! They’re gorgeous and Sean’s concern for Ed is so sweet. No wonder she had to kiss him. 😉

    • Carla: Thanks! I was excited when I thought of that cover–I was having a hard time coming up with an idea this last time. I haven’t seen that movie, but I might have to now! And I do believe Nick is better on his feet than on skates. 🙂

      I’m excited to show how this case unravels–I think it’s one of the more interesting cases, really.

      Yay for Sean and Ed fans! I just know that sometimes no drama in a relationship can make it seem boring…though with Ed and Sean there’s always something slightly amiss, or lurking in the background. I don’t know if they’ll ever really know real peace for a while. But Sean is definitely sweet, and I think it would be difficult to refrain from kissing him, too. 🙂

  7. Looking at the cover I literally heard “Burn baby burn! – Disco inferno!” Now I can’t get that song out of my head, lol.

    I’m also loving the progression of Ed and Sean’s relationship. It’s so realistic. So many authors just speed right through the initial relationship phase just to get to the sexy bedroom scenes. I like that although you tantalize and allude to the future bedroom scenes you don’t skimp on the getting-to-know-you/cuddle/make-out phase.

    • LadyRavenhawke: Oh no! Now that song is stuck in my head too, lol! I think this is one of the few covers I’ve made in which they actually look like they’re having fun. 🙂

      Aww, I’m so happy you like my snail’s pace approach to relationship progression. 🙂 Given the fact that most of my stories only cover a week or two and the type of personalities of the characters involved, it just doesn’t make sense to have them hop into bed immediately. Ed just isn’t the type of person who can be that uninhibited and impulsive–she can’t throw caution to the wind like that. Sean knew that going in, and he adjusted his expectations accordingly (not to say he isn’t eager–but he thinks gaining her trust and making her comfortable with their relationship is something that will have to come before they tear up the sheets). So I’m really glad that at least some readers aren’t thinking, “Geez, why haven’t they DONE it already?!” 🙂

  8. I love the way you are slowing developing Ed and Sean’s relationship. As already noted, it’s such a temptation to push fast through the initial stage, and I know I’ve been guilty of that (mostly because I was worried it wasn’t sufficiently dramatic). I just love what you’re doing.

    The whole thing with the student and the teacher sounds really suspicious to me. Maybe there’s something going on but the complaint is based on almost nothing. I really wouldn’t want to be a teacher.

    The cover is, as usual, fantastic! You are so incredibly creative!

    • Beth: Thank you so much! It’s always a relief to hear that the pace of their relationship isn’t boring or that it seems unrealistic. 🙂

      The superintendent is trying to nip the whole situation in the bud before it is widely gossiped about. Schools are dangerous places for gossip to spread, especially gossip like this. He doesn’t want the teacher’s career ruined over nothing, and he certainly doesn’t want any angry parents on his back. He probably views hiring Rocca Investigations as something to head off a coming storm, if it’s true, and if it’s not he can tell any concerned people that he’s had the situation investigated by professionals and that nothing is going on.

      Aww, thanks! I was curious about the “club dancing” skill that came with Late Night and I decided to try it out on these three. It was hilarious, and inspired the cover. 🙂

  9. Hello, Raquelaroden! Not only am I a big fan of your stories, but I had a question for you. I am not very experienced with making Sim 3 stories, so I was wondering what method you used to create your covers, if you don’t mind me asking. I am hoping to perhaps display my stories on a website or blog one day as well. Any other tips or tricks you could give a rookie? : )

    • Emma: Hi! Thanks for reading and commenting. As far as a method for making the covers goes, it really just begins with an idea that can be posed. It has to be something that can tell a story or set a mood all in one shot, and once I figure out what to do I start playing with poses and tweaking the set, etc.. After I take the pictures, I open up my trusty Adobe Photoshop (I know a lot of others use widely available free photo-editing software to great effect, it’s just that I happened to have a copy of Photoshop) and start playing with the shot I like the best. Sometimes I take the color out, sometimes I add a photo filter, and other times I just brighten it a bit. The text has to be added as a layer over the original picture, and that may actually take the most time for me, because I try to find a font that fits with the theme of the picture, and I play around with the text effects. It’s really no more difficult than editing pictures for the story itself, and it’s a lot of fun too! 🙂

      • Thank you very much for that informative comment! I haven’t used Photoshop too much, so it will be a new experience for me. Let’s hope for the best! : )

  10. I finally made it over here, and must say sorry for being a week late 😦

    The poor superintendant. He has already lived through a similar situation and knows what the fallout can be; he must have had to really think twice about what to do this time, especially without any real evidence. The teacher sounds like one of those idealistic youngsters who think they know everything as soon as they graduate and can change the world. An accusation, even if it is ultimately a false one, will ruin her career. Ed and Sean will have their work cut out and my spidey-senses says this isn’t going to be cut and dried.

    I don’t know how you do it, but Sean just gets more perfect with each chapter! He cares for Ed, he’s protective without being overly so, he’s willing to let her tease without following through because he knows that when she’s ready it will be worth it. Pity he is just a character in a story!

    I have to agree with him, though, that Nick is being overly optimistic. At election time the mayor is going to be guarding his secrets even more closely and, although investigating him under the cover of digging up dirt for Erica is valid, it’s not going to make it any easier or any safer for them to continue their investigation.

    Great update!

    • Judi: Oh, no problem! I get so behind in catching up with blogs myself, and I imagine I’m only half as busy as you are! 🙂

      I do feel bad for the superintendent because he sincerely wants to make sure that everyone who should be protected is protected–the student, and if warranted, the teacher. This case has the real potential to blow up and cause a lot of problems.

      lol! I need to throw in more of Sean’s flaws here and there. Part of the issue is that this story is from Ed’s perspective, and right now he seems perfect. 🙂 But it’s true that in my own head he is a great guy.

      I think Sean can see things in a light that Nick just can’t right now, because of the problems he and Erica are having. Nick is trying to put a positive spin on a situation that isn’t ideal, for sure.

      Thank you for reading and commenting! 🙂

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