Chapter 10. Trust


“It’s so hard to believe that he’s been missing for eight years!” Dr. Ursler said.

She had been Scott’s political science professor during the semester he disappeared. Sean and I had already visited two other faculty members who weren’t able to give us much information, beyond simply confirming that Scott had attended their classes and received good grades. They probably wouldn’t have remembered him at all, had news of his disappearance not been plastered across the local media at the time.

We’d also gone to a few of the local businesses that Scott tended to frequent, but it was no use–in a college town, the turnover rate for so many positions is high. No one left in those businesses remembered the young political science major who’d made the news when he disappeared.

Dr. Ursler was our last faculty member still living in the area–she was our last scheduled meeting for this trip.




“Thank you very much for meeting with us today, Dr. Ursler. I hate to bother you on the weekend, but I couldn’t get away from work during the week.” I replied.

“Oh, please call me Nadine.” she said, waving her hand at us. Sean smiled and put his coffee down on the table.

“First, why don’t you just tell us what your impressions were of Scott. No detail is too small.” Sean said, leading the questioning.

“Well, he was obviously a very bright young man. He asked wonderful questions in class, and he came to me early in the semester to discuss doing an independent research project. I was very impressed–you just don’t get many freshman with that degree of engagement and ambition.” Nadine said.




“Do you remember what the project covered?” I asked.

“Yes–he wanted to learn more about the influence of press coverage on campaigns, and I helped him whittle the subject down to something manageable. I submitted his paper for the internship with Donald Price. At the time, Dr. Price was running for a place on the Sunset Valley city council.” Nadine said.

“Wait–Donald Price, our mayor?” I asked.

“Yes–he was just starting to get into local politics back then. Dr. Price was a faculty member at Sim State before he left academia for politics. He moved back to Sunset Valley….I guess about twelve years ago.” Nadine explained.




“Do you know who won the internship?” I asked.

“Oh! You mean Scott didn’t tell you?” she asked. “Scott won.”

I tried to keep my face blank as I took that in. Why hadn’t Scott told us? Or had he, and we just didn’t remember?

“Do you happen to know when he found out?” I asked.

She thought for a few moments.

“I know it was close to the end of the semester. . . I’m sure that there would be something in the archives of the university newspaper about it, because it was such a big deal for a freshman to land that internship.” Nadine said.




My mind was spinning with this information–Scott had won an internship with a politician in Sunset Valley. Finally, there was at least one reason why Scott would have been in Sunset Valley the day he disappeared. Sean took over the questioning because I’d fallen silent in my ponderings.

“Do you know if Scott was involved in any clubs or fraternities?” Sean asked.

“I don’t know for sure, but I would be very surprised if he hadn’t belonged to one of our political clubs. He wouldn’t have been eligible for some of the honors organizations until he was a junior. You know, that’s information you can get by looking at the campus library. The university keeps a yearbook of sorts that details club and organization membership.” Nadine said.

We only had a few more questions, which Nadine had no idea about–was Scott seeing anyone, was he particularly friendly with any of the other students? We left soon after that and I thanked her several times for her information.




We talked over the information on the way back to the hotel. Sean suggested that we visit the campus library first thing on Sunday morning, and I happily agreed. It felt like we were actually getting somehwere. Already we knew something that hadn’t come to light in all the investigations before. How had it been missed?

“Since we’re going to start tailing Jeff at seven, why don’t we grab an early dinner so we’ll have time to change and check email before we head out?” Sean suggested.

“Sounds good to me–where are you thinking?” I asked.

“How about The Lousy House?” Sean asked. It was a local restaurant in Chestnut Park that specialized in delicious Cajun food. I hadn’t eaten there since I’d been a student. Since it was only a block away from the hotel, we walked.




“Two for a table upstairs. On the balcony, please.” Sean requested at the hostess desk. We were led to our table, and once our food arrived (we both knew the best thing on the menu was the blackened redfish), I remembered that I needed to ask his advice about something.

“Sean…I uh…have a question.” I said.

“Shoot.” he replied, smiling.

“Is there a way to run searches on the databases at Rocca Investigations without it automatically copying a report to Nick?” I asked. I knew this didn’t sound good, but I had to get more information on Rosario’s lady, and I didn’t want to compromise her.




Sean looked up from his fish and gave me a searching look.

“Nick doesn’t mind if you use the searches for Scott–he encourages it.” Sean said.

“It’s not that…it’s something else. Something I can’t let him know about.” I said. “Nothing illegal.” I think.

Sean stared at me a few beats before answering.

“There are ways to do it, but I have a much easier solution. Run them off my computer at my house.” he said.




“I thought none of could have usernames at home.” I said.

“None of us who aren’t licensed.” Sean clarified. “Nick and I are licensed, and we’re both set up to work from home. But if you do that, then I will know what you’re searching for. So do I have to be kept in the dark too?”

I hesitated less than a minute before deciding to tell him.

“It’s about what Rosario told me–why he flipped on Dorantes, and why I could rest easy about him coming after me.” I said. “He gave me an address to a place, and I went there. You were with me at the time, but I told you we were just going on a walk.”

“So that’s what that was about.” Sean said, smiling.

“Anyway…soon before we passed the place, a woman came out, and she was pregnant. Rosario wants to cut a deal to stay out of prison because he found out that he was going to be a father. I want more information about her.” I said.




“Holy shit. No wonder he wanted to go into witness protection.” Sean said.

“I’m thinking that he’s going to go into witness protection, then have her meet him at his new location, once he’s sure he hasn’t been tracked.” I said.

Sean ate a few bites of his food, then asked, “But…you don’t trust Nick with this?”

“It’s not Nick…it’s Erica. I don’t want to put him in an awkward position. He’d have information she would definitely want, and I’d be asking him not to tell her. Since they’re together, that just complicates things even more.  Rosario said she may have moles in her office–that Dorantes has them everywhere.” I said.




Sean chewed quietly, and he had a strange smile on his face.

“What are you smiling about?” I asked.

“I’m just happy that you trust me.” he said.

I was happy about that, too.




“I just realized something.” Sean said, minutes later. “We’ve never been on a date.”

“We’ll, we only agreed to start dating like…Two days ago.” I pointed out.

“Yeah, but I should probably take you somewhere. After all, I’m already sleeping with you.” he said, grinning.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I’m too easy.”

“But seriously–what would you like to do?” he asked.

“Honestly, I prefer low-key dates. Renting a movie, sitting on the couch with popcorn–that kinda thing.” I said.




“Then that settles it–I’ll make you dinner at my house.” Sean said.

“That sounds perfect. Next Saturday night?” I asked.

“A whole week away?” he whined. “Why so long?”

“Because I have a full-time job, plus I’m interning at this private investigation firm. My boss Nick is a taskmaster, and on the nights I’m not learning how to run searches in databases and handling cases, I’m getting self-defense training from this hot guy named Sean.” I said.

“Hmm…maybe Sean will give you a break one night, if you sweet talk him?” Sean practically purred.

“He ought to. After all, I am sleeping with the guy. Does it count if we really are just sleeping?” I asked, and grinned at Sean’s bark of laughter.



Authorial Interjection: I’ve decided to start doing “covers” for my story, which is why the first picture is probably not at all what anyone was expecting.  I love comics and graphic novels, and a lot of times they let the artists go wild with the cover of the book.  Sometimes the artists choose to create something that is related to the story in the issue, but sometimes it’s just a really creative reimagining of the characters.  I was inspired by thelunarfox’s 1 year anniversary post on her blog for Ruin (because like her, I won’t get to use a lot of the nifty clothes and hairstyles), and thus the idea for making covers was born.  Hopefully it isn’t too distracting!

42 thoughts on “Chapter 10. Trust

  1. Well the new cover did surprise me at first. I saw the title and who posted it in Google Reader, but the picture didn’t match, lol! I think it was wonderful. Nick with long hair and no glasses? And Sean as a knight? Perfect!

    Ah what a nice treat for me on my lunch! Oh these two! I love that she’s trusting him. And the whole back and forth at the end really did make me LOL! For you Ed, yes it really does count even if you are just sleeping.

    • LunarFox: I can just imagine. You probably thought my image hosting service had started recycling URLs or something LOL. Nope, just me being self-indulgent. It was a lot of fun, but it probably took me almost as long as a regular photoshoot. Because it was just so much fun. I took tons of pictures in various poses before settling on this one. There’s one that I thought was kinda sweet, and I might put it up in an extras section or something…

      Ed’s trust was hard-won, but she’s finally given it. And I think you are correct–for Ed it does count even if they are just sleeping. 😉

  2. I love the cover – that looks like it would have been fun to do! When else would you get a chance to dress Ed, Sean and Nick up in period costumes?

    Wow, Ed must feel really spurred on to continue this investigation, now that she and Sean are actually getting somewhere! Nadine’s revelation about the internship brings up as many questions as it answers but it’s another piece of the puzzle.

    And look at Ed and Sean – a real date! I really love that Sean is so happy just to have Ed’s trust. He sure worked hard enough for it!

    • Carla: The cover was so much fun to do…I probably took as much time playing around with the poses and decorating for it as I do for an update…definitely something I’ll have to budget a bit more time for in the future. Period costumes are fun!

      Ed is definitely encouraged by this new development. She has a lead now, and that’s something they haven’t had in a while. She also has a potential answer to at least one of the questions surrounding Scott’s disappearance–why he was in Sunset Valley in the first place.

      Sean is thrilled with the momentum of their relationship–it took a while to get her to trust him, but once she finally did things are progressing nicely. 🙂

  3. When I saw the cover I thought the story was about to take a really interesting turn, but now that I know what you’re doing I think the covers are an awesome idea!

    I can’t wait to see Ed and Sean’s date and get more info about Scott. The suspense is killing me!

    • Katrina: Thank you very much for reading and commenting! I figured the covers might be a little confusing at first, but they’re so much fun! I’m glad you like them too. 🙂

      This story is definitely more about the Scott mystery than any other mystery, which makes it a bit different from the previous two stories. I’m glad you find it suspenseful! It means I’m doing something right. 🙂

  4. I thought we were going to have a dream sequence when I saw that shot! I was amused that Ed’s subconscious had medievified them! But I like your choice for the cover of a chapter called trust. Damsels in distress often HAD to trust their knights, and it’s a nice lead-in for our modern Ed choosing to trust Sean.

    I’m flabbergasted that Scott didn’t share the internship news with his family – they seem so close-knit! Maybe it happened right before the disappearance, and he had wanted to share his news in person? I’m curious…

    • DB: lol! I’ve actually never considered doing a costumed dream sequence….interesting. 😉

      Aww, that’s sweet of you to try to connect my impulse to put my characters in silly costumes to something about the chapter. I wasn’t thinking of it in that way at all, but I love your interpretation. I was just thinking, “Oooh! Princesses and knights!” I’m such a simple creature…

      It is definitely strange that Scott didn’t tell his family about it, because it was a pretty big deal. He would have been excited and happy about it. Here’s hoping Ed can find out more on that…. 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  5. YAY!

    I loved the cover! And omg, so sweet with the whole trusting thing! *smiles*

    I liked the new information – I wanna find out why it hasn’t come up before.

    Wonderful as always. 🙂

    • Medleymisty: Yay!! I’m glad the cover is being well-received, once the confusion is overcome.

      Trust is a big deal for Ed, especially with Sean. They didn’t meet under the most trust-inspiring circumstances.

      There’s a very important reason for why it never came up in previous investigations, so I can’t say anything. *shuts mouth*

      Thank you so much! 🙂

  6. I have to say, I went back to check I was on the right site when I saw your cover. But it is pretty nifty. (When did you change your layout, by the way, or am I only noticing it now?)
    Also: aww what a great chapter! Ed and Sean are amazing together and I love their dialogue. It’s always friendly and suggestive at the same time, as well as absolutely hilarious. Who thought I’d be giggling through a mystery?

    • Tipix7: I figured the cover would cause a bit of confusion at first, but it’s so much fun! One day I might actually be able to make the covers relate to my chapters…

      I changed my layout right around the time I began story 3, I think. I wanted something a bit simpler, and this fit the bill. 🙂

      I’m so glad you liked the chapter! I like Ed and Sean together a lot, and their dialogue just comes naturally. They’re both very playful with each other, and I think there’s just a certain delight they get from each others’ presence. Definitely a spark between them. I’m so glad that you find the funny parts funny….I worry sometimes that my sense of humor doesn’t transfer well. The fact that it occurs during a mystery is because I’m not good at staying within my genre, lol…..

      • It rounds the story nicely to have humourous and serious aspects to it, I find. I’m curious to see what cover you’ll have for us next time!

  7. That’s a great lead on Scott – and definitely something encouraging for Ed! I love the banter between Ed and Sean – it’s so comfortable and funny, I really like the way their relationship is progressing.

    For all that – I have a huge number of questions now:

    If Scott’s internship was in the school newspaper – how did the police miss it when originally looking for him?
    Why didn’t Scott mention it to his family?
    Does the current mayor have something to do with Scott’s disappearance?
    Did Scott’s paper have something to do with his disappearance?

    Looking forward to finding out the answers in your further updates! This is so exciting!

    • Kiri: Thank you very much! I’m so glad you are liking the series…

      This is a big, big lead. It signals a kind of turn in the investigation into Scott’s disappearance–definitely a turn for the better. I’m happy that the Ed and Sean’s banter is coming across that way, because that’s exactly what I’m going for–they are pretty comfortable with each other even with this change in their relationship.

      Of course I can’t answer any of those questions now, but you can be certain that they will be answered and that Ed is wondering the very same things. 🙂

    • Amelia: Thank you very much! I’m glad the cover is going over well, once people figure out what it is (and that they aren’t on the wrong site, lol). I’m glad the dialogue is still working for them! 🙂

  8. Ooooh, now you REALLY have me thinking! Did Scott discover something he shouldn’t have when he was looking into his internship? Is that why he was in Sunset Valley? Did they get rid of him or did he elect to disappear to keep himself and his family safe? Still no word on who the ring was for though … hmmmmm.

    I loved the interaction between Ed and Sean at the restaurant. Ed really seems to finally be relaxing in Sean’s presence, not over-analysing every interaction and not being self-conscious of every word that is uttered. The trust issue seems to be tied into this as well – and it goes both ways, Sean seems to be relaxing as well, easing himself into his new role as her boyfriend.

    I can’t wait to read about their date, something tells me it’s going to be interesting!

    • Illandrya: I of course can neither confirm nor deny any of the things you speculate about….but I still like to hear the speculations because they tell me whether the clues appear the same to everyone, etc..

      I’m so glad that Ed and Sean’s dialogue is going over well. There’s always a worry when you let a romantic relationship develop that the readers will say, “Yay, that was fun but now it’s boring.” I’m hoping I can keep it interesting. I think it helps that they are just starting out, and as we know, with Ed you can never tell if things will stick… I think it’s exactly right to describe it the way you do–they are both starting to relax and trust more. With Sean, this might manifest rather strangely–in more seriousness, rather than more joking. With Ed, on the other hand, she’ll be able to joke more about things she wouldn’t have dared mention before. It should be fun to develop… 🙂

  9. Haha, great cover! I too got a little confused at first, but it is a great idea.
    That new piece of information is very interesting. I am very intrigued to see where this is going. I was already convinced that Scott’s disappearance had something to do with his interest and involvement in politics, and it keeps getting better. Oh, and the impending date! I can’t wait 😀

    • Sfe: Thank you! I’m hoping that after this first time the covers won’t be quite so confusing. 🙂

      Ah, so you were already wondering if Scott’s political interests were part of the reason he disappeared…very interesting. It really is interesting (and helpful) to hear the speculations of readers, because it tells me what’s apparent and whether I’m achieving the desired effects with the clues. Writing a mystery is challenging, but a lot of fun!

      I’m excited about their date, too. 🙂

  10. I stared at that opening cover shot, blinked, wondered if I’d wandered into the wrong place, then laughed out loud! It is wonderful!!

    Sean sitting there happy and telling Ed how happy he is that she trusts him. While she lies. I love these two together; I love how they work as a team, here’s an idea, catch it and run with it. If he finds out she’s still keeping things from him, how is that going to make him feel? Used? Stupid?

    Beautiful lovely shots!!!

    • S.B.: That was the reaction of many–first wondering if they were in the right place, lol! I’m glad you like it. 🙂

      Hmm…what hasn’t Ed told him? She’s told him about her dreams and about what went down with Rosario. Do you mean Jonah? I’m intrigued. 🙂

      I felt the shots were pretty blah so I’m glad you liked them….I actually had to build that restaurant, and I wasn’t planning on that. It took forever, because I’d also built another set that I decided not to use. Maybe I’ll use it another day, but at the time it felt like a big waste of time!

  11. The cover is awesome! I got really confused at first when I saw it and then excited thinking they were going to find a timemachine or something 😛

    I’m a bit confused though, doesn’t eating dinner together out count as a date? :O

    *offers cookies happily*

    • Jcnorn: Thank you very much (for the cookies and the encouragement).

      Sean wouldn’t count that as a date because they’re sorta working, and because he didn’t really ask her out with it in his mind as a date. He’d think of it as more of a working dinner….does that make any sense? 🙂

  12. Ed’s face in the cover is PRICELESS. And Sean’s- very knightly. And Nick’s slightly suspicious look, too. (is it just me?)
    I’m happy they’re finding clues. 🙂
    And I’m happy that they’re all trusting and such too. It’s sweet that she confided in him.

    • Achansan: I’m glad you liked the expressions on the cover. I thought Nick’s expression was a little sad, a little wistful. I was very happy to capture it. 🙂

      They are definitely making some progress now, both with the case and with their relationship. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  13. I thought maybe they were going undercover at a medieval banquet! They look great, though.

    Love the staging with Dr U. How did you get the mugs on the tables? Was it moveobjects whilst they were on a kitchen counter? I wish sims would sit in an armchair and drink coffee instead of on dining tables.

    • Rad: Thank you! Yep, yep, had Dr. U make the coffee, and she automatically took one to start sipping. I cancelled her action and used moveobjects to place them on the table. For some reason, the same it didn’t work later in the chapter when I tried to do it with juice bar drinks at the restaurant….

  14. Love the cover,this post was awesome I was smiling from check to check the entire time.

    Seeing the cast of ruin in a new get up was fun to see…

      • hahah lol, i know. i was merely saying that seeing the cast of ruin, which i know is not your story was also fun to see lol..

  15. hmm.. this chapter gives a lot of information. I really liked it. You could really give the story a twist with the moles that Dorantes may have planted. I just hope it’s no one I like. haha.

    • Amyjobee: I’m glad you liked it! It probably does seem like a lot of information, but really it’s just the tip of the iceberg. A very important piece of information, to be sure.

      They have to be very careful because of the possible infiltration of moles in so many offices in Sunset Valley…it makes their job a lot more difficult, to be sure…

  16. Loved the chapter! I thought the same as DB Loves Her Mac: that you were going to do some sort of dream sequence involving Ed and her “knight in shining armor” Sean. I’m also very curious about why this piece of information was unknown up til now… I like learning more about the Scott mystery, but can’t help anticipating the Ed/Sean date. 😀

    • Juleski: Thank you very much! It’s funny how confusing the picture was, but now I think most will know to expect the weird first pics, lol.

      It will take a bit of time to unpack the Scott mystery, and I’m laying a bit of groundwork here. I’m excited to finally give something away about it, because most of it has just been a few little things here or there.

      The date night should be fun–which is guaranteed, because it’s Sean. 😉

  17. OMG, these two are just TOO cute! I love the way you write their dialogue. I could just live in one of their conversations! 🙂

    And I love seeing these two get so close, both emotionally and physically. Beautiful and sexy and sweet!

    • Laura: Thank you so much! I have a lot of fun with their dialogue–it’s so much more difficult to figure out what Nick would say, in comparison to Sean. Sean is pretty open. Ed is pretty open as well (which is a good thing since the whole story is from her POV!). I’m glad you’re liking the way their relationship is unfolding…hopefully it won’t seem like it’s going at a snail’s pace, LOL.

  18. Normally romance doesn’t interest me much and I have to admit that some of the moments with Sean and Ed have bored me a bit – though I do really like the character development you’ve woven into the romantic moments as well. However, this part at the end with them bantering is adorable and feels really natural and was fun to read. So… great job on that!

    • RipuAncestor: Thank you–though, just fair warning: the story focuses quite a bit on their relationship, so if romance isn’t your thing, you might consider leaving off. I have no interest in boring anyone, and I have encouraged other readers who seemed uncomfortable with my storyline to stop reading (no point in reading something you don’t enjoy–life is too short). I don’t expect my writing style or content to be everyone’s cup of tea, all the time. 🙂

      • Well, I think that your story has so many good things going on that it’s definitely going to keep my interest. I’m mostly reading this for the mysteries and the character development, and I do like seeing Ed’s life (and the life of the others) go forward.

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