Chapter 22. Not-So-Stern Lecture


As soon as I walked through the door of Rocca Investigations, Belinda pounced.


“I know you don’t have time to talk about how the trip went right now, but you’re gonna tell me soon!  Maybe we can go grab a drink tomorrow night?” Belinda suggested.


“I’m all for getting a drink sometime, but there really isn’t much to tell.” I hedged.  I could have gone for a drink right at that moment.





“Don’t be coy, Miss Prescott.  I know something must have happened.  And I’m not talking about the case—Sean is extra cheerful and humming and stuff.  I know something happened, and you’re gonna tell me about it!” she grinned.


I blushed and started stammering about how nothing had happened, and she finally relented.


“They’re waiting in the office.” Belinda said, and gave a theatrical sigh.  I thanked her and hurried to the door.  I took a deep breath before pushing it open.





“There you are, Ed.  Please have a seat.” Nick said.


“Hi, Nick.  Sean.” I said quietly, and sat down.  This was the first time I’d seen Sean since we’d flown back from France a day ago.  In the time we’d spent together on the flight back he hadn’t mentioned the kiss, and I hadn’t either.  I’d started thinking I’d imagined the whole thing.


And then I’d found the book.  He’d smuggled it into my luggage sometime after we’d cleared customs.  It was the antique book of Mother Goose rhymes that I’d lusted after.  It was a wonderfully thoughtful gift, but it was also extremely expensive.  It was in my car, and I was going to try to give it back.  It was time to go back to being professional.





“Well, Sean has filled me in on all the details about what went down in France.” Nick said.


I wondered if he’d really filled him in on all the details, and to my horror I felt my face flush.  Again. I remained quiet and waited for him to continue.


“Ed…first just let me say thanks.  From what Sean tells me, you definitely went above and beyond.” Nick said.





“That being said…this is the second time that you didn’t follow the advice of the investigator supervising you.  And that is….troubling.” Nick said.


“I…uh…I’m not sure what to say.  I did what I thought was the best thing to do at the time, but I didn’t really have much time to uh…think it through.” I replied.  “Nick….please don’t take me off field work.”





“Oh, no–no one is proposing to take you off field work.  Sean and I believe that there were things that could have been done differently on both sides.  We should have considered your idea of using the maid to gain entry more carefully.  We also should have worked out a more definite back-up plan for when things went wrong.” Nick said.





“In all fairness—part of the problem is that I’m not used to working with a partner.” Sean said.  “I’m sorry that my inexperience put you in that situation.”


Your inexperience?” I said incredulously, turning to look from his face to Nick’s.  “So, my disobeying a direct order from Sean is….Sean’s fault?”


“No—you need to stop disobeying orders….in most cases.  But we’re admitting fault too. We need to take more time to prepare plans so that you will know exactly what to do if something goes wrong, and it won’t involve you doing something drastic–like smuggling yourself in as a French maid and recruiting a servant to do our dirty work.”  Nick said, smiling.


“Well, we’d better get going, Eddie.  Gotta finish up with Wolff.” Sean said, coming to his feet.  We were meeting Thornton Wolff to give him our final report.





As we were about to leave, I couldn’t help but notice something unsettling.


Nick walked toward us from around his desk, and I still felt a little flutter of awareness when he drew near—but it was much reduced.  The impact was minimal.  But standing near Sean made my heart race.  My whole body responded to Sean’s nearness.


Great….I thought miserably.  One crush rendered manageable at the expense of creating another, even worse crush.





“Oh, one more thing, Ed.” Nick said.  “This meeting with Vasquez….have you given it any thought?”


I had.


“Yes.  I’ve decided to do it.” I said.


“Then I’ll tell Erica to make the arrangements.  We won’t go through with the meeting unless certain safeguards are in place.” Nick said.





The meeting with Nick and Sean had been set for five-thirty, and it was dark when Sean and I walked outside.  The topic of Vasquez had distracted me so much that I almost forgot to talk to Sean about the book.  We were about to leave in separate cars to go to Thornton Wolff’s house when I remembered.


“Sean…I found the book, and I brought it.  Thank you, but I can’t accept it.” I said.


“You have to keep it. It’s a gift.” Sean said.


“It’s far too extravagant a gift for….for me.” I stammered.





“You wanted it, and I wanted you to have it.” Sean said.


“Sean….” I said, shaking my head.


“Keep it.  Consider it a thank-you for saving the mission.” Sean said.


“You already thanked me for that,” I blurted out, then reddened as he gave me a knowing grin.  I wondered if I would spend most of my time red-faced from now on.





“About that….” Sean began.


“I know….we’d just gone through a really stressful event, and with all the adrenaline….you were just happy to be safe, and that manifested itself in, a, uh…kiss.” I said quickly.


“Huh….is that what happened?” Sean asked skeptically.


“Yeah.  That’s what I think must have happened.” I said.  I forced myself to meet his eyes.





“Only one problem with that theory, Eddie.” Sean said softly. “If that were true, then I wouldn’t want to do it again.”


“Sean, we…we can’t–” I started to say, nearly hyperventilating.


“I know you aren’t ready.  But I won’t have you writing it off as some freak accidental thing—I’d wanted to kiss you for a while, and I want to kiss you again.  So start getting used to it.” Sean said.


Suddenly, he turned on his heel and said over his shoulder, “Let’s go—Wolff is waiting.”




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Next chapter –>

64 thoughts on “Chapter 22. Not-So-Stern Lecture

  1. Pingback: Chapter 21. Cover-Up « Rachel's Sims Stories

  2. I can’t imagine a more perfect chapter for this point in the story. All the little threads… the book, the meeting with Vasquez, Belinda, Wolfe… tied up in a knot around Ed’s butterfly case over Sean and Nick. Absolutely enjoyable and believable.

    I love the lush photos of Ed and Sean at the end. I spied Nick peeking out the window, too. Guess that will come up, huh?

    One of my favorite lines was Ed’s question about her failure to follow orders being Sean’s fault. Hee!

    Great job!

    • DB: Aww, thank you so much! I wanted to make this story a bit more complex than the last, so I’ve been working on adding little layers and little bits that would be wrapped up as we moved along.

      Yep, yep, Nick was watching Sean flirt with Ed, and something will definitely come of that.

      It was really difficult to think of exactly how Nick would respond to Ed’s actions. After all–in this case, it seems like she made the right call, or a call that was “right enough”–but at the same time, he doesn’t want to encourage her to disregard the instructions given to her by supervising investigators. It’s a fine line to walk….

  3. Oh Ed! I love her too much. She’s so cute making up excuses for the kiss. It’s perfect that Sean is so direct because she needs to hear it.

    Also Belinda, lol! Ed probably needs a girl friend like her.

    And the gift. Sean is sneaky.

    This chapter had a perfect dash of everything, including Nick. I love the shot of Sean and Ed talking with Nick in the background watching them.

    • LunarFox: Ed needs an excuse for the kiss….she wants to keep it all professional, but Sean isn’t going to make it easy. He has no qualms with mixing business and pleasure.

      In one of the rare times I let a real-life friend read this, she noted that Ed was surrounded by a lot of men–and that she needed more female friends. With Belinda, I hope to work on that (though now I need to build a bar…I have one built already, but it’s more of a club….).

      Sean is very sneaky–he must have purchased the book before the whole vase retrieval mission took place, because Ed was with him the entire time they were in France after that. Which means he bought it before the kiss. 🙂

      I’m glad it felt like there was a little bit of everything. It’s continuing the wrapping-up process (which apparently takes me a few chapters), and laying the foundation for things that will be going on in the next story as well (Sean and Ed’s relationship, Nick’s feelings about it, changes to the way they work, Belinda’s friendship, etc.). I’m curious to see what Nick’s feelings will be, and how those feelings will be expressed….Nick is somewhat more difficult to write right now than Sean. Sean’s feelings and motivations are so clear, but Nick’s…pretty murky.

    • Amelia: LOL! That spelling of “damn” is amazing….that’s exactly how people say it sometimes! Perfect!

      I love his forwardness too….he isn’t going to let Ed reason away that kiss. 🙂

      I considered just recounting the meeting with Thornton without any pictures….but finally decided that it had to happen. I originally thought it would happen in this chapter, but the scene between Sean and Ed took up more time and pictures than I thought it would…

  4. Nick watching that exchange definitely caught my attention..
    He’s still a bit of a mystery…I wonder/fear what his reaction to this budding relationship will be..

    • Nessva: Yep, yep, that was supposed to stick out like a sore thumb. Nick quietly watching while Ed and Sean are unaware.

      Nick is still a mystery to me….as I said in a reply to thelunarfox below, I’m having a much harder time writing Nick right now than Sean. Nick’s motivations and feelings are a bit more complex than Sean’s at this point in time. It’s a little crazy to me that I won’t know exactly what his reaction will be until I sit down and think, “Ok, here’s the chapter where I write Nick reacting to their relationship”. I find that sometimes things go a little differently than I planned–for instance, the exchange between Ed and Sean at the end definitely took a different turn than I expected.

  5. Did Nick work out while they were away? Coz he looks damn fine in that blue shirt XD

    Oh Ed, ever the professional. I love Sean for not giving up and basically telling her that she doesn’t control their relationship.


    • Hushfirefly: lol! Actually….whenever I have them wait out a day to get to the right time of day (I really can’t wait for a cheat or something that can change from nighttime to daytime and vice versa), Sean and Nick would both work out. They have to be in peak condition, you know……..maybe? Nick looks good in almost everything he wears.

      Sean doesn’t really know why Ed is reluctant to enter a relationship with him. She hasn’t really spelled it out yet–she keeps trying to put distance between them, but it’s difficult because she’s so drawn to him. If she didn’t like him at all, that would be one thing–since she really likes him and he can tell, it will be difficult to dissuade him from pursuing something with her.

      I’m so glad you liked it! 🙂

  6. ohhh such tension. I love that Nick had seen them getting so close – i think he is jealous and he is secretly in love with Eddie….

    Cant wait to see what happens next xx

    • StarSarah: I have to keep the tension up, for the most part….otherwise, things will get boring fast.

      Nick’s awareness of their budding relationship will be interesting to explore–I’m still not sure how he’ll react, and whether he’s jealous or not…..well, my lips are sealed. 😉

      I’m so glad you are still reading along! Thank you!


    • Mau: Yep, yep, thought you’d have that reaction. 🙂

      Sean isn’t going to let Ed talk away the kiss, and he wants her to deal with his feelings directly and honestly. We’ll see how that works out…. 🙂

  8. I feel as if my comments are getting a little too giddy and repetitive lol. So you know why I loved this chapter for one reason, and I am glad that Sean ended it like that instead of just closing it off as foolishness like Ed.
    But anywho I know the story is going to be very different from this point on. But I am so excited. I can’t wait to find out more about Scott. I think that is going to be the best part of your whole story.
    Are you going to buy Ambitions when it comes out? Isn’t there supposed to be a like investigator job or something? That could possibly amplify your story!

    • Amyjobee: Sean is very direct. 🙂 I think your comments were just fine–giddiness included.

      The story (overall story) will be a bit different, particularly with this relationship development. The story surrounding Scott will have to come out in bits and pieces, and it’s the one that I will have to be the most careful with, since it is the most important mystery Ed will try to solve. There are a lot of threads that have to be continued throughout, and I will have to be careful to keep them all sorted.

      I’m so excited about Ambitions I can barely stand it…..there is a private investigator job track (eeeeeee!!!)! I can’t wait to play with the interactions and everything. I’ll be finishing up this story just as it comes out (all I can find is that it is coming out in June–but no specific date), so I’ll probably take a break (2-4 weeks?) to develop the story and to play through some of the EP to see how it can be incorporated. 🙂

    • Rhys: I know, right? It’s totally worth building a bar. Ed will likely find clues about Scott soon….but the mystery of Scott’s disappearance will take a while for her to solve.

  9. Brilliant! You’ve tied up so much in one post.
    Belinda is a hoot. “Don’t be coy, miss Prescott…” love it!

    I like the way she wants to defend Sean… So, it’s Sean’s fault?”

    Nice that he gave her that book. The man has got a lot of class about him. I like the way he ‘threatens/promises’ to kiss her again. Back to being professional, huh? Poor little Ed!
    Just the thing she needs… 🙂

    • Moondaisy: I’m so glad you liked it! I’m happy you feel like I tied up a lot of things…I feel like I still have quite a knot to go, lol.

      I find that I can’t wait to write the scene with Belinda and Ed having their drink…. 🙂

      Ed was astounded that they were willing to take on some of the blame for her blatant disobeyance of orders, and she thought they were going a bit easy on her–she’d expected something very different. Since Sean is so used to working alone, he’s never really needed to tell a partner what to do if things go wrong–he’s never really needed more of a back-up plan that involves anyone other than himself, so he really does feel responsible here.

      Sean really, really, really likes Ed. A lot. He’s pursuing her, and the book is part of the pursuit of course. He’d be hard to resist, I think. 🙂 I don’t think they’re ever going to get back to being completely professional.

  10. Argh, this chapter was so good! “Back to being professional”- that doesn’t sound like that’s what Sean has in mind! Deep down, I don’t think it’s what Ed wants anyway!

    Oooh, and there’s Nick watching Sean and Ed! That’s going to cause some tension, I’m sure.

    Good to see Belinda again. She’s a perceptive lady, isn’t she? Watching her grill Ed about Sean is going to be great!

    • Carla: I’m thrilled you liked it! 🙂

      Sean definitely doesn’t want to go back to being professional (if they ever really were….and that’s certainly debatable). Ed tries really hard to do what she thinks is the best/right thing, regardless of whether it is what she really wants….but soon she should be getting a few other perspectives on the situation.

      Nick’s reaction will be interesting to see….I’m not sure exactly how he’ll react. I know how he feels about it, but that doesn’t mean I know how he’ll react just yet. I have to do a lot more thinking on that.

      Belinda is extremely perceptive, and considering her experience in working with Sean and Nick, it’s easy for her to tell when their behavior changes. It’s so funny because having her suggest drinks was an impulse on my part, but now I see that it must be done! 🙂

  11. I have lurked through both stories thus far, but had to voice my LURVE for this whole chapter, especially the awesome picture of Ed and Sean with Nick looking at them thru the window. It’s great so far, I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!!


    • Sam: Thank you so much for reading along and commenting! I love hearing from readers (well, nice ones, lol). 🙂

      I wanted to give some impression of what Nick may be feeling without making him come out and say anything just yet (since the words and story are from Ed’s perspective, though the pictures—not always). This is the first time he’s really seen them acting a bit…close. He can tell there is something between them, and I think it bothers him. What he’ll do from there, I haven’t determined yet.

      Again, thank you for reading my story, and I hope you continue to find it interesting!

  12. Oh, I forgot to say, I think Belinda is sooo cute, and quite the smart lady! haha. I love older sassy women like that. They have such a great, “Yeah been there, done that, you can’t hide anything from me” attitude!

    • Amyjobee: I love those types of characters too….and I think they make great confidantes. Plus, she will have so much intel for Ed about Nick and Sean….

  13. I just reread this chapter for the 3rd time. 🙂 It’s great! I love the interaction between Ed and Belinda. Belinda reminds me of my friends mom…down to earth, VERY perceptive, and nosey at times. 🙂 I can’t wait to see how that conversation goes. I wonder what tidbits of intel Ed will glean from Belinda?

    I love the picture with Nick looking at Sean and Ed’s interaction. Did Sean tell Nick anything? Nick’s a smart man…could he tell a difference in Sean’s cheerful demeanor before Ed got there? I wonder what the conversation between those two would be like. What is Nick’s policy on interoffice relationships? 🙂

    Finally, my favorite quote:
    “I know you aren’t ready. But I won’t have you writing it off as some freak accidental thing—I’d wanted to kiss you for a while, and I want to kiss you again. So start getting used to it.” :::happy, dreamy sigh:::

    Even though the action section of the mission is over, you’re doing a great job of keeping things back at home spiced up! 🙂

    • Jules: Thank you! I’m so happy you liked it. 🙂

      I think a lot of us know someone like Belinda, and that’s why she’s so likeable. Her age brings with it a very perceptive nature that can be uncomfortable when you’re the one under scrutiny, but that is great for giving advice and encouragement. I’m really looking forward to writing their conversation…

      Whether Sean told Nick anything is a very good question…..we will only know whatever other people tell us, because Ed isn’t privy to those details, of course. I wonder if Nick has a policy on interoffice relationships, given that this is the first time they’ve probably come up? 🙂

      Sean is nothing if not direct. He’s trying his best to declare his intentions, but Ed is fighting him every step of the way at this point. We’ll see how it goes…. 😉

      I’m so glad that you find the story interesting still, given that I’m now in “wrapping-up” mode….there’s still a few details to take care of before I can end this installment of the series and set up the next. 🙂

      • “Whether Sean told Nick anything is a very good question…..we will only know whatever other people tell us, because Ed isn’t privy to those details, of course.”

        It’s a shame Belinda couldn’t “overhear” something… 😀

  14. Such an adorable ending, looks like Ed isn’t going to avoid conflict over that kiss afterall. Love the work dynamics between the four of them, and can’t wait to see how the Wolff case closes!

    • Tipix7: Sean wouldn’t just let the kiss drop, though she was beginning to think he would.

      We should see the close of the case in the next chapter, though the close of the story will take a few more chapters. I’m so glad you liked it! 🙂

  15. I can’t wait to see how Nick reacts to the budding relationship (albeit reluctant on Ed’s part) between his two partners. I still think he should be jealous and have some hidden feelings for Ed =)

    I’ll be checking for updates =)

    • Delaneylegacy: I am interested to write his reaction…I’m not exactly sure (even now) how it will go. I find him one of the most difficult characters to write. It’s like I don’t know him quite as well as I do Sean, so it’s harder to predict how he’ll act….

      I’m so glad you’ll be reading along! 🙂

      • Aha, I know that feeling. I write short stories from time to time and sometimes I can relate to other characters much better than others. Best of luck! 🙂

  16. aah! I can’t stop giggling – people are starting to stare at me! I love Sean & Ed and I can’t wait to see what happens next! YAY! You write so well; it’s just like reading a mystery book only with cool sim pictures

    • Laurenbeth: I’m glad my story makes you laugh….hopefully it isn’t too embarrassing. 🙂

      Thank you so much! Your comments are too kind, and I’m so happy you like my story.

  17. I’m glad Sean wasn’t so easily deterred by Eddy’s review of the events leading up to that kiss. I’m kind of wondering why she keeps resisting. I guess from a work standard, it could be unprofessional given that they are partners but … still, it’s not like either of them are going to suddenly quit.


    I am intrigued to see what happens at this meeting with Vasquez. What could he have to reveal.

    • Carnaxa: She’s resisting for a few reasons–the only one I’m prepared to reveal right now is her worry about professionalism. She wants to be taken seriously, and she thinks being involved with Sean would put that at risk. Whether it actually would or not…that’s another question.

      I think the meeting with Vasquez will reveal some surprising things. 🙂

    • Rad: I’m glad Belinda is so likeable…..we’ll get to see more of her.

      As for the pickle Ms. Prescott finds herself in…..I’m sure you are referring to her meeting with Vasquez? *innocent look*

  18. LOL, Belinda. I would be the same way, actually.

    I realized that I skipped a chapter a while back, so I just read from ch. 16 onward. I just have to say…WOW. You are truly the Queen of the fast-paced plot. There is never a dull moment in this story. I love it.

    I’m still bursting with excitement over Sean’s and Ed’s kiss, but I have to wonder how Nick feels about their “relationship”. I was (pleasantly) surprised to see him watching them from the office. As you can tell, I’m always up for a little love drama. ; )

    (I also wanted to say that I truly admire your persistence with editing the caps with bruises and other things. It makes me want to stop being so lazy with my own caps, lol.)

    • Lhasa: Yes, I think there’s a little bit of the nosy Belinda in all of us. 🙂

      It’s really interesting that you’d describe my plot as fast-paced….since I only update once a week, I feel like it moves pretty slowly. Plus, there are so many other elements of the story that haven’t even come close to being resolved! I’m happy you think it is never dull, though…..

      I have an idea of how Nick feels about their “relationship” (or more like a suspicion of their relationship), but how his feelings will come to light….that’s another issue. 😉

      Oh man, the bruises are such a pain. I keep forgetting to put in the scratch on his cheek (all his bruises are conveniently covered up for now, since they’ll be meeting with a client) so I’ll put the picture in and then have to take it back out and edit it again. I can’t wait until he heals, lol.

  19. Pingback: Chapter 23. Negotiating with a Wolff « Rachel's Sims Stories

  20. Ohhh, Sean is so sweet!! That he remembered the book is one thing, that he bought it for her … wow. Now, just one question.

    Belinda worked out quite quickly that something happened France, but did Nick? He’s the licensed investigator and Sean is not exactly hiding his feelings even if Ed is trying to pass it off as some kind of adrenaline-rush. I was half-expecting the “not-so-stern” lecture to be from him about the dangers of office romances!

    • Illandrya: Sean is pretty pretty smooth, and very considerate. 🙂

      Nick is no fool, and it’s going to become more and more apparent that he knows something is going on. But what can he really say? He’s carrying on a relationship with someone he works with, too. This is probably the first time something like this has come up for him, and he isn’t sure how to handle it…especially without sounding either like a hypocrite, or like he’s….jealous. 😉

  21. My favourite picture is the 3rd last picture, of Ed and Sean flirting outside, and Nick is
    outside watching. It shows that Nick is pretty jealous of Sean for going to France with Ed.
    Loved it 😉

    • Laura: Nope, they aren’t hiding it at all. Sean would see no reason to, and Ed is in such denial about what’s going on that she wouldn’t think of hiding it at this point. 🙂

      I like writing Belinda a lot…I see her as a very wise lady who has a great sense of humor, and isn’t at all shy about much of anything. 🙂

  22. ““I know you aren’t ready. But I won’t have you writing it off as some freak accidental thing—I’d wanted to kiss you for a while, and I want to kiss you again. So start getting used to it.” Sean said.” <— Did I already say I'm positively in love with this guy? ❤ ❤ ❤ In the last pic but one he looked so… so… *drools* Awww, those blue eyes… *drools some more*

    • Marsar: Sean comes up with some pretty good lines. 🙂 He really is a lot of fun to write, and posing is lots of fun. 🙂

  23. I think Ed is wise trying to simmer things down given she works with Sean, but I can’t help but want them to work things out together. He is really sweet with her and his gift was perfect. I’m glad everyone got out okay and that Nick isn’t taking Ed off active duty. I wonder how that drink with Belinda will go? 😉

    • Livinasimminlife: We will see some of Ed’s underlying reasons for putting the brakes on a potential relationship with Sean in later chapters. Thank you for reading and commenting!

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